Work from home
Work from home anywhere in the world

                                                                                Work as a freelancer


    Work With


  • market research by phone

  • book meetings

  • customer service

  • transcripts of audio files 

  • translations

  • drag and drop website building

  • website building with coding

  • digital marketing                   


                                           About us 

We are a network of consultants working on the Scandinavian market. We have both Scandinavian and global customers who have used our services for several years.

To be able to take on assignments from us, you must have an individual company or another company that you can invoice from in your home country or abroad. Alternatively, you can invoice from for example Cool Company without having your own company. However, we do not have experience with such solutions, so the consultants must familiarize themselves with the conditions for using these solutions. Cool Company: 


If you want to work as a consultant and take on assignments from us, you can contact us via the contact form on our website:


                                       About freelancing

                                                 Customers and assignments

Many people dream of being able to work from home, and thanks to today's technology it's no longer just a dream. There is a shift around the world now, and companies are now seeing the benefit of being able to call on extra help quickly which can work via the internet without having to hire more staff.

When working as a freelancer with us, it usually involves short assignments that can last anywhere from a day to a few weeks. You can usually work as much as you want if you are on an ongoing project. Very often we do not have enough consultants as the clients are always in a hurry to complete the assignments. So in terms of earnings, it is smart for you as a consultant to be able to work as much as possible while it is on, and rather take a few days off after the assignment is completed. So use the opportunity to make the most of the projects, there will always be quiet times between assignments. But the consultants work when and as much as they want, so it's not a requirement but a good piece of advice.

It is rare that you will find a client that will provide you with such a large amount of work that you have work all the time, so use your dead time to look for new potential clients and assignments.

                                                           How to fill the days

It is a big advantage to have one or more commission jobs that you can jump into when you have no other ongoing assignments, so that you get the most out of your time earning the most. One or two sales jobs or similar where you can work whenever you want is recommended. We do not work with sale, but if you are thinking of finding a sales job to fill the dead time with, I have 3 good tips:

1. Find a product that you love and believe in yourself. It is much easier to convince others if you have faith in the product.

2. Find a product that gives you a portfolio with the option of resale. If you sell a product the customer will need to buy again at regular intervals it will increase your total amount of sales.

3. Don't sell what everyone else sells. Be creative in looking at new products and services as if you were a potential customer yourself. If the product or service is something you would buy yourself if needed, then you're on the right track.If you don’t want to fill free time with sales, you can for example start as a writer of your own blog or help others with content for their blogs. If you enjoy writing then there are many opportunities online.

                                                       A freelancer's everyday life

There are many benefits with working from home. From experience, it is also possible to take care a child while working, as long as it’s not many of them. You can also use dead time for example between meetings to wash clothes and similar. But the downside can be late evenings as the projects often have deadlines that we all try to keep. But all things considered after working from home as a freelancer for 15 years, I wouldn't have replaced my situation with an 8-4 job in an office somewhere. The reason for that are the same reason why I started working from home in the first place, which is the unpaid travel time to and from work which is a journey you usually pay for.

Contact us by using the contact form on the bottom of our main website:

                                                                                      Contact us